Britt Powers
​My name is Britt Verwoerd. I was born in 1980 in the Netherlands, where I lived until I moved to Norway in 2008.
My private practice is located in Oslo. I also work with clients online.
I offer gestalt therapy in Norwegian, English and Dutch.
I am a member of NGF (Norsk gestaltterapeutforegning). This means that I meet its quality requirements and that I follow the Norwegian Gestalt Therapist Association's ethical guidelines.
My Journey to Therapy
My interest in gestalt therapy was sparked when I myself started with therapy as a client. In the midst of a difficult period in my life I found a skilled gestalt therapist who worked with me over many years.
​Together with her I've got to know more about how I relate to the world.
I learned about boundaries, finding the line between me and my surroundings. This line can get blurred. Boundaries let me know who I am in relation to others; where I begin and where others end. When a boundary is unclear, you blend in with the rest. This is what happens when you 'lose yourself' in a relationship. Real contact becomes impossible. Being more aware of all this improved my relationships, and the relationship with myself.
In childhood we are still learning who we are, and in this time boundaries can easily get blurred. We adjust to our environment. Most of the habits in my life turned out to be 'creative adjustments' that didn't serve me anymore. Becoming aware of this gave me freedom. I was free to choose to do things differently.​
I'm passionate about my own healing journey, and also that of others. This passion is what inspired me to become a therapist myself.
I find it fascinating how each person is unique, and yet we're all deeply connected through our shared experience of being human. Our circumstances are different, yet we experience the same variety of feelings.
Whatever it is you're struggling with, you don't have to be alone.
I have time and space for you.
Training and education:​
Gestalt therapy, Norsk Gestaltinstitutt Høyskole (four year program)
​IoPT basic trauma therapy training (one year program)
Compassionate Inquiry professional training, with Dr. Gabor Maté
Workshop ​'Healing traumatic stress: helping mind, brain & body to let go of the past', with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Workshop 'Trauma and healing: an exploration of mental illness, addiction and disease', with Dr. Gabor Maté
Workshop 'Heart Rhythm Coherence: practical techniques for improved self-regulation' with Dr. Rollin McCraty
​Art- and expression therapy, course (NIKUT)
​Fine arts (BA)
​Teacher of visual arts and design (BA)
Currently I'm attending the EXIT-method group facilitator education (Expressive arts in transition), based on art- and expression therapy (KUT).
Previous experience
Before I opened my gestalt practice, I have worked for Lykos Therapeutics (formerly MAPS PBC), a corporation that researches and develops new psychotherapeutic methods for treating PTSD.
This work gave me valuable insights into trauma-related issues, and on how to support the healing process in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
I have my own personal experience with this diagnosis, and know how debilitating it can be.

I have also worked for several different organisations providing acute help to people experiencing difficult drug-induced experiences on festivals, such as ‘bad trips’. These specific organisations prioritise non-medical intervention, focusing on supporting people with patience and presence.
This work has given me a bigger understanding on how these kinds of experiences can be a gateway to processing issues that have not been processed yet. It also has taught me the importance of supporting people in times of crisis.
I still work as a volunteer in this field.
